
This effort is a mission not confined to any jurisdiction as it would risk alienating individuals and providing a vector for attack.


Decentralized autonomous missions are new efforts having no state supporting them and therefore none of the protections that come along with registering with a state. Each jurisdiction may come up with laws on dealing with these missions or similar efforts in the future. It is the responsibility of each user to handle these relationships as they see best to protect themselves.


Security is never a guarantee. It is a constant effort for us all to prevent theft by others. Therefore, no warranties can be offered. Know the limitations of the software and use at your own risk.

Governing Law and Arbitration

This is not an effort specific to any jurisdiction. There will be no internal disputes as this is not an organization of any kind. If a conflict occurs between users, please seek out a 3rd party trusted by all involved parties to assist with resolution.


1M5 is an open source project powered by volunteers, bounties and gifts. In the spirit of open source and censorship resistance, we have opted to create 1M5 without the demands or influence of investors.

Gift to the 1M5 Development Fund

If you support this mission and are in a position to help that would be wonderful. Please send gifts within the Remnant app.

Gifts to 1M5 are not tax deductible as it is not formally registered in any jurisdiction. By gifting Bitcoin to the 1M5 gift wallet, you will be helping 1M5 pay for our direct costs like web hosting, domain names, outsourced work, bounties, and so on.
Get in Touch

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you can think of other ways you can help with the 1M5 mission.

info@1m5.io (Protonmail)

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